There are many different forms of nutrition - but which is the right one? In the following article, we will try to explain the complexity of this topic to you a little more closely.

Omnivor (Omnivore)

Whether meat or fish, vegetables or fruit, milk or honey - no food is reserved for the omnivore. Although the term is so unknown, more than half of the Swiss people belong to this group. The omnivore is the "normal" way of eating - no food is excluded (except pers n. allergies). As cosy as this style sounds, it loses millions of followers worldwide every year.

Flexitarians, Pescetarians, Frutarians

Eat meat once or twice a week and otherwise live predominantly vegetarian? That sounds like a compromise and is called flexitarian. The combination of flexible and vegetarian is also called part-time vegetarian by many. The proportion of flexitarians has increased massively in recent years, more or less unconsciously.

If you do without meat completely, but include fish and other seafood in your meals, you are called a pescetarian. In this case, however, care is usually taken to ensure that the fish consumed does not come from mass farming.
Attention: Nutrients like vitamin D, B12 and B2, as well as iodine should not be missed out!

Frutarians or Frugans abstain completely from animal products and eat only berries, nuts, seeds or fruits that are harvested without damaging the plant. Also included are bread, pasta, millet, reers and maize, as the respective plants die on their own.
At the end of the day, make sure you get enough vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium and iodine!


Over 700,000 Swiss currently follow a vegetarian diet, and the number is increasing rapidly! You can call yourself a true vegetarian if you abstain from meat and fish, but consume other animal products such as milk, yoghurt, eggs, etc. Vegetarians should pay special attention to their iron and vitamin B12 levels. In addition, certain important amino acids are missing if you do not eat meat and fish.


No meat. No fish. No cheese. No eggs. No honey. Absolutely no animal products - if this criterion fits your dietary style, you are a vegan. The step from vegetarianism to veganism is another huge one, but its popularity is growing as fast as the number of vegetarians!

Low Carb

Low Carb! Low Sugar! Low Fat! Who can still see through that? It should be known that sugar is a carbohydrate. Keeping these two components "low" is the basic idea of the low carb diet. To eat as few carbohydrates as possible and mainly wholemeal products. Protein and healthy fats such as olives, nuts, salmon, etc. are weighted more heavily. Vegetables and colourful fruits - especially berries, lemons and grapefruit - are also important. In addition to vegetables and fruit, dairy products, fish and meat are also served. Increased water consumption is extremely important with this type of diet. This is all the more essential with a sub-form of the low carb diet: the ketogenic diet.


Fat, fattest, fattest! The ketogenic diet is all about fats. To put this in numbers:
  • 4% Kohlenhydrate (20g)
  • 6% protein
  • &over 90% fat
per day is the guideline.
Foods consisting mainly of fats and proteins should be consumed. The only carbohydrate source here should be the vegetables consumed. So not allowed are:
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Oatmeal
  • Olives
  • Flax
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Natural yoghurt
  • Chicken
  • Fish
The ketogenic diet, on the other hand, is designed to induce ketosis so that the body enters a state of starvation due to the lack of carbohydrates. Instead of glucose from carbohydrates, ketone bodies are burnt from ingested fat. Thus the body can burn fat at any time of the day. In addition to the "weight loss effect", you also achieve a stabilisation of your blood sugar level.


Neither the delicious chocolate bar nor the spicy cheese from Italy belong on your menu here. As a follower of the Paleo diet, you must eat only meat, fish, eggs, vegetables & fruit, nuts and certain fats. Avoid all highly processed products such as dairy products, alcohol and the usual cereals.
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